I wasn't exactly enthralled by The Legend of The Seeker when I first watched the first 4 episodes, but I continued buying the dvds because 1. because I'm stingy, 1 dvd cost $4 but if I buy 3 its $10, so whats extra $2 for 4 episodes of whatever story right? and 2. because my brother like it. So anyway, I buy the complete first season dvds and didn't watch it until (my brother tired of waiting for me to buy the new second season, bought it himself) I was literally drop on my brother's bed from sheer tiredness and that time he was watching the second season episodes. Wah! They add another permanent character into the series, and the story development become more interesting; more twist. So here I am, after finally finished watching the entire first season, second season up to the 8th episode and now waiting for for the 2 other episodes that I'm currently downloading... haha QSD you have to wait...
The story was taken from the book by Terry Goodkind, The Sword of Truth (gonna search for this book and if the flow of the language seems okay, gonna buy it!!! but if its like Tolkien... think I'll save my money and stick with the tv series). As you could see from the cover of the tv series its more of 'fantasy' story, where the world was separated into 3 provinces: Westland (where normal people live and no magics), the Midlands (lead by a coucil of representatives called Confessors) and D'Hara (ruled by the tyrant Darken Rahl). Westland is separated from Midlands by a magical boundary- to prevent any magic from entering Westlands,but a gate was opened by a Confessors in search of the Seeker to help the Midlands from being overtaken by Darken Rahl.
Richard Cypher led an ordinary life as young wood guides living a town in Westland. It was as much a shock to him to find himself as the prophesied Seeker as the Confessor, Kahlan Amnell to discover he was the seeker. Her role is to protect the seeker with her life in his quest to defeat Darken Rahl and his minions and in their journey, they fall in love with each other. It was the fate of the Confessor not to marry the person they love for their power can magnify their love to totally enslave the person they love; that their only thought will be of the Confessor's well being and benefit. Which Kahlan cannot let happen or else it will diverge Richard's main quest. Hmmm.... maybe I was fascinated with the theme of forbidden love, fighting the longings, resisting the temptation to be selfish, standing firm on what is right and should be...
In the ending of the first season, there's a twist which I did not expect, something that connect Richard and Darken Rahl. The sins of the father...

And becoming a permanent cast in the second season, Cara the Mod-Sith. I once teased my brother that the reason he like watching LOTS is because Bridget Regan (Kahlan) is soooo beautiful.

Anyway this new blood into the series adds more spice, not only she is a beauty also but her beauty is in contrast with Bridget where Bridget is so kind-looking and an open-book, Tabrett Bathell looks so dangerous and mysterious. Bridget in white silk (pure), Tabrett in red leather (seductive). And that pouting lips...

The Producers did not forget feast for the eyes for the female viewers as well, every chance they get they let Craig Horner take off his shirts and shows off the sinewy muscle. Thank god, his muscle are not overly bulging or else I will cringe everytime I watch him not fully dressed. He's good looking enough but so far don't have the 'charms' of Bradley James and Colin Morgan in Merlin me think,.I mean he did not make me wonder what he's like as a real person outside of this series. And his eyes did not 'twinkle' when he smiles, tease or make a joke...

And I don't think his chemistry with Bridget onscreen was 'sizzling' just mediocre... and his smaller stature compare to broad-shouldered Bridget does not help either

Talking about stature, Bruce Spence looks like a giant walking amongst these three. He looks so tall... He's Richard grandfather by the way, his eccentric neighbour when he was growing up, the wizard of the first order who travels with him and Kahlan in his quest to defat Darken Rahl... Now, Zedd sometimes can be funny... I'm not asking for humour like in Hercules or Xena, but a bit more humour to lighten up the 'world is doomed' theme please...

Talking about stature, Bruce Spence looks like a giant walking amongst these three. He looks so tall... He's Richard grandfather by the way, his eccentric neighbour when he was growing up, the wizard of the first order who travels with him and Kahlan in his quest to defat Darken Rahl... Now, Zedd sometimes can be funny... I'm not asking for humour like in Hercules or Xena, but a bit more humour to lighten up the 'world is doomed' theme please...

Hopefully, I can resist myself from searching for the books tomorrow or the day after or in these few months, I stll got my nieces' novels to read, dvds to watch. How I wish I could stop time...
By the way, you might think my life is so lame, so boring, zero social life but I kinda like it that way. Though I'm not anti-social as my sister called me, I just like my quiet, simple, calm, organized life
if by my nieces' novels u meant my malay ones, i suggest just go with ombak rindu-thats one of the book that i feel worth reading (a number of times) until now.
and at first i thought you were talking bout u nik rupanya pamit. haha.
yeah and also dinnah lost symbol.
u r correct it's u.hairani (hehe he hate that name!), u change ur mind it might've been pamit because of his fb's status ryt? humph! he's late into the series...sdh ia terlait bini2 nya lawa baru ya mau kan liat then he hooked into the story
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