Hong Sun Hee (Choi Jin Shil) a dedicated housewife, suffers silently eventhough being look down upon by her husband's mother and sister. As extra income to support the household, she took on jobs as extras in films/dramas/ads, this was where she first met the popular actor Song Jae Bin. Though, he looks similar to her first-love Jang Dong Chul (Jung Joon Ho) but she didnt think it was possible to be the same person at first. But then, phone calls from him and they arranged a meeting, she found out they were one and the same.
However, its not a happy reunion, she was not as beautiful as he remembered and he thought she was out to blackmail him. Thats was not her intention though, agreeing to see him. She would like to borrow some money from him, because he's the only one she know who had that much dough. Her husband was imprisoned for fraud, and she needs the money to bail him out. Unbeknownst to her, her husband waiting for so long for her, accepted a 'lady' indecent proposal to be her 'man'. That lady was born rich, and her marriage was prearranged. So when she became a widow, she though he was the man that could bring romance to her life.

Sun Hee ends up being a live-in-maid in Jae Bin's house where he lived with his brother Jang Dong Hwa (Jung Woong In) and nephew Jang Hoon (Lee In Sung) - bringing in her daughter with her Ahn Ji Min (Han Bo Bae).
What I really like about this drama is that Jae Bin doesnt underwent attitude change only when after she went for a makeover. He treated her the same during her curly-scary hair and her short-sleek hair. It seems he like her just fine whatever she looks like eventhough at first he had some misconception about her intention to befriended him again before he know about her troubles.
Then there was the appearance of actress Na Yoon (Byun Jung Soo) , a woman from both brothers past. You can guess that she was the birth-mother of Hoon, and when you look at it, it is weird that she was Dong Hwa's ex but was chasing after Jae Bin...Hmmm...something fishy..You dont think both brother were that bad, that they stole the other gf...for they love and respected each other greatly...then and now.
When Na Yoon takes advantage of Sun Hee’s absence by coming to the house to spend more bonding time with Hoon and later Dong Hwa finds out and confronted her. (Hooray! No second chances - Forgive no injury, Forget no insults!)
Dong Hwa: “If you hurt my son, I won’t let you get away with it. It’s too late for you to turn back.”
Na Yoon: “Then you can help me.”
Dong Hwa: “When my feelings have gone, I can’t move them back. How would I help you? Do you remember? Fifteen years ago when I asked you to change your mind, those are the words you said"
I wont spoil the surprise for those who stumble across my blog and intend to watch this drama, but I just want to state I like Jae Bin words for Na Yoon when his turn to confront her. "I understand, but dont mean I accept it". Yeah..understanding is easy to do, but acceptance....
You noticed from the start that Jae Bin shows that he likes her by doing typical school-boy-tricks, by bullying her, while Dong Hwa just being silent and supportive at her side. Hmmm...what a choice...your first love, who may be irritating at times but sweet, adorable and caring too. Then there this kind, reliable, responsible man..though he may not show it as extravagantly but he cares too.... Plus, hello Jae Bin's 40 years-old but still scared of his brother silent anger, hilarious man if he's really real.

I dont think it will spoil if I tell that she would choose Jae Bin (Duh! of course...). She might be happy and content with Dong Hwa, but it wasnt such great romance compare to a life with Jae Bin
As for that jerk ex-husband of hers, I did hope Dong Hwa gives him more than single wallop!

So everyone live happily after......
even a possibilty for Dong Hwa ^_^
Choi Jin Shil as Hong Sun Hee Birthdate: 1968-Dec-24
(HOT!!! even for a 38yrs-old ajusshi...hehe...)
Jung Joon Ho as Song Jae Bin / Jang Dong Chul Birthdate: 1970-Oct-01
Byun Jung Soo as Lee Na Yoon Birthdate: 1974-Apr-15
Jung Woong In as Jang Dong Hwa Birthdate: 1970-Jan-20
(not hansome per se, but something about his cold and aloof character....)
Han Bo Bae as Ahn Ji Min (Sun Hee's daughter) : 1994-Mar-04

(I was wondering why he was cast...he doesnt look 15, more like 10. But his expression here is priceless! Hahaha...)
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