Meyer's Eclipse gives me a glimpse of hope for Jacob, but at the same time make me feel sorry for Edward too. Sigh! Its reasonable for Bella to fall in love with two great person, but for them to fall for the temperamental Bella? it boggles the mind - but they said cupid is blind.
I have lots of jumbled thoughts in my head after finishing this novel, that to put it in writing will not make sense even to myself. So I'm gonna make this post short and simple. The epilogue of this novel "nearly" made me shed a tear for Jacob. I empathize with Edward too, but he got the silly girl, didnt he? Sigh! I read my niece blog that she got her hand on Breaking Dawn already, wonder of she can finish it off in 2 days......
I was listening to Ressa Herlambang's Menyesal again, but I think 6ixth Sense's Tak Bisa Memilihmu (I do like Nubhan's version better, but I already posted his video before) is more appropriate...
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