The synopsis are "Na Young a widowed-29-old-single-mom, goes through the baby care with help of her late husband's three best friends. Na Young, born with natural optimism and somewhat recklessness, just lost her husband and depends on these three distinctive characters. Su Hyun is a competent fund manager and most successful among friends, but most narrow-minded and stingy. Gwanghee is a handsome cartoonist with good taste of fashion, but an ultimate cynic. Kyung Tae is a young and good-looking detective, but too shy to speak in front of girls. Three guys at first feel burdensome when Na Young asks for support. As time goes by, however, they start to feel a deep emotion toward the baby and to Na Young as well."
Hmmm... I think its either she dont she choose any of them, or between Su Hyun and Gwang Hee, with the winner being Su Hyun! ^_^
The Four Main characters:

In these two episodes it tells the story of four very best friends, Sangmin, Su Hyun, Kwanghee and Kyung Tae. Sangmin got married to Na Young (to Na Young it feels like she marry the four of them), and after three years of trying to get a baby, the blissfully married couple starting to get frustrated. Both born in a broken family- the only family Na Young have is her irresponsible father and Sangmin is his three friends- Na Young really really wanted a baby. Sangmin feels its his fault since its his sperm that was the problem, conned and blackmailed his 3 friends in their drunken state to donate their sperms - without Na Young knowledge of course. After they donated their sperms, they had come to their senses and pleaded with Sangmin not to go ahead with his plan. Sangmin promised them that he wont use their sperm-so they rest assurred. And finally the good news, Na Young is finally pregnant!
Sangmin was very tentative to his wife and began building his baby a crib and rocking horse. Then a call from his father-in-law, he had to make overnight trip without telling his wife the reason for his sudden departure. He ask his friends to look after her when he was away. Na Young was having a cold and since she is pregnant she cant take medicine, so Kyung Tae calls his mother for advise. He was told to soak a very big pear with honey and when the juices come out to give to Na Young. He calls Su Hyun and Gwang Hee who was on the wasy home to buy those things. Being stingy, Su Hyun didnt buy the most expansive pear ^_^
So at home, while Na Young was sleeping, they struggled to peel the pear as thin as possible, as to waste little and pour in the honey. When they gave it to Na Young, she complained that it was too sweet. Su Hyun feels offended then said that she should be grateful that they are taking care of her. Na Young replies that it would amke them even, since she take care and fed them many times. Su Hyun tells her then that they thought that her cooking was terrible. Na Young says that she would tell sangmin when he get back. Kyung Tae want to make amends, ask Na Young if she wishes to eat anything, they will get it for her. She then asks them to buy foods in the middle of the night. Su Hyun was the most disgruntled of the three to had to go through all this trouble for her.
Then, tragedy struck....Sangmin was killed in a car accident. All four of them was devastated. Na Young was so lucky that Sangmin had this three bestfriends who was also there for her. The three of them take care of the little details that need to be taken care of like registering for his death, closing his bank account, packing all his things in the office. It was then they found a video tape Sangmin had make for his future child, in it he recorded that he wants the baby to respect his three 'uncles' because if it wasnt for them, he/she wouldnt be born....so did Sangmin use his own sperm or his friends????? Cant wait for next week!!!! Oh...next week 'Single Daddy in Love' will be finishing...and replacing it will be 'Formidabel Opponent' with Chae Rim...oh cant wait!!!! but I might have to watch the 3am show :(
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