Jun Jin (Jeon Jin) as Shin Moo Young #
Real name: Park Choong Jae #
Profession: Actor, singer (Shinhwa) and model #
Birthdate: 1980-Aug-19 #
Height: 182cm #
Weight: 63kg # Uhm Tae Woong as Sa Joon #
Birthdate: 1975-Apr-05 #
Height: 181cm #
Weight: 70kg #

Kim Tae Hee (Kim Tae Hui) as Yoon Shi Yeon #
Nickname: Angel #
Birthdate: 1980-Mar-29 #
Height: 165cm #
Weight: 45kg #
Han Ye Seul (Han Hye Seul) as Chae Yi #
Real name: Leslie Kim #
Birthdate: 1982-Sept-18 #
Height: 166cm #
Weight: 46kg #
Park Jun Suk (Park Joon Seok) as Rang #
Birthdate: 1979-Jan-30 #
So Rang like Chae Yi knowing she was totally hung up on Moo Young whose heart belong only to Shi Yeon. Shi Yeon couldn't get over her first love, Kang Min Woo, who she believed was murdered along with the rest of their families when they celebrated their 12th birthday.
Jo Hyun Jae as Kang Min Woo #
Birthdate: 1980-May-09 #
Height: 181cm #
Weight: 65kg #
Unbeknownst to her, he and his sister was saved and to protect them was adopted and their history erased. He become a cop and later was selected to joined the elite team SICS that was hunting the 'Foxes'. So began the tale of forbidden love when they met again. The legend of 'Thousand-Year-Old-Fox" didnt help matter much, when it tells that this fox will be the saviour of their race; by sacrifing her, the race will transform into totally human, by consuming her liver, that fox will become immortal. Shi Yeon turns out to be that legendary-fox. Moo Young's mother who was the council's chief leader's ambition was for the latter.

Another tale of 'hell hath no fury like a woman scorned' (Since Rang was fine being just friend with Chae Yi). Its not just in korean drama, but its common in other genre also, when the one you love doesnt love you back, then you are capable of doing heinous things whether to get the one you love; to get back to the one you love or that no one will have the one you love. But does it really happen in real life? Are there a person who's so selfish and vindictive? Or are we just trying to make the human life so dramatic on tv?
It was funny when Chae Yi accused Moo Young as being stupid, to longed for Shi Yeon who he knows was in love with someone else. And he said to her to stop being stupid too. To me its ridiculous to force someone to love you. If they dont love you, then that's their loss ^_^ Go on with your life, they are not your everything...haha thats translating Peterpan's song 'Menghapus Jejakmu'
"Engkau bukan lah segalaku, Bukan tempat tuk hentikan langkah ku
Usai sudah semua berlalu, Biar hujan menghapuskan jejakmu"
Talking about song, there's another song that fits perfectly for a love triangle. [Sorry! Couldnt find the song in youtube or dailymotion, so I'll just paste the lyrics]
Sung By Lutricia McNeal
I'm living in a fantasy #
Something that could never be #
Coz all the love you have to give was never... #
Never meant for me #
I saw the way you look at her #
She's everything you're looking for #
And love is such a miracle #
When it comes knocking at your door #
But I don't know know what to do #
I'm in love too #
Can't see where I'm supposed to go from here... #
There's no way in #
There's no way out #
You are the one I'm living for #
You are the one I have to live without #
I can't hold on #
I can't let go #
Coz I found the greatest love #
The greatest love you'll never know#
I'd love to make you cross the line #
But I know you're not the hurting kind #
You wouldn't be the man you are #
If you broke her heart #
Broke her heart for mine #
So until I found my way #
Tomorrow's just another day #
And you are just a lonely dream #
That never ever seems to fade... #
Someone hears my prayers #
Someone, somewhere #
Coz I know I can't go on this way forever... #
I never laughed #
I never cried #
Our love can't live #
But my love will never die... #
Somebody hear my prayers #
Somebody hear me! #
I'm living for a fantasy,something that could never be... #
I know...I know it such a sad song...but it just...umph! Higlighted in yellow were the verses I specially like. To me that verse means that you wouldnt fall in love with a person who callously hurt another. I find it puzzling for one person to love someone who isn't a good person. I know love is blind, but does love disintegrate your brain too??? I'm not saying you should fall in love with the perfect embodiement of the male species...or female (haha then falling love would truly be a miracle) - but just someone who's kind and decent.
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